Last Monday, I wrote about the first ever documentary film on the sugar industry in Negros,
PUREZA. Last night I attended the premier showing and came out of the movie house feeling sad and in deep thoughts. I was unusually silent, which is so uncharacteristic for someone who is normally garrulous. Driving alone on my way home, I felt the profound effect of the film on me. The film started with the story of the sacada, moving on to the beginnings and evolution of the sugar industry, it's ups and downs, to the present time and the future. It is a disturbing documentary because it is brutally honest and courageous that needs to be seen and heard if we want to save the lives of those dependent on the sugar industry.
It definitely stirred in me dormant memories of a time I would rather not remember. You see, my family became victims too of those dark days. We lost our home of 27 years because of the sugar crisis. How? Well, after years of being leased, my father decided to manage their family's small farm in Cadiz City. This was in the early 70's when they were having many problems with the lessee. Unfortunately just as my Dad was beginning to get the farm running and profitable, my youngest brother had his accident which put him in the hospital and rehabilitation for a year. My dad had to travel to and from Iloilo where my brother was confined, as well as manage the farm. To make matters worst, the sugar industry took a sudden downturn. It is to my Dad's credit that we did not lose the farm unlike many others who faced foreclosure. That's because instead of the farm, he put up our house and 1000 square meter lot as collateral for the crop loan from PNB. Years later, when we moved to a smaller home in a smaller lot, an interested buyer bought our old house for Php550,000 (actual arrears was Php600,000) which was paid directly to PNB. The loan principal was only Php120,000! When the Sugar Restitution Bill was finally passed, PNB refunded us back Php90,000. By the time my brother was finally able to come home, my parents were jobless, the farm unplanted while my other brother and I struggled to continue our studies in Manila. Although life was hard, it wasn't bad maybe because my parents raised us to live simple lives. We did not have the same kind of lifestyle as those others in Negros (of course, we were never as rich). We never owned a brand-new car (second-hand was good enough for us), never travelled except to visit our maternal grandparents in Manila (taking a boat, at that), never bought branded things, never spent more than we needed. If there were things we wanted, we saved for it. We did enjoy dining out once in a while, watching movies and going to the beach as a family. I think our biggest luxury at that time was our education (we went to good schools), and books. Until today, we have books that we have not yet read. Looking back, I realize that even if we had to do away with many things, our lifestyle did not drastically change...we just simplified our life some more. But after seeing PUREZA, I told myself that is
nothing compared to the life of the workers in the haciendas. For us who live a relatively comfortable life, seeing the life of the sacada can be gut-wrenching. This is what I felt when I saw the documentary. Somehow, I forgot that I have seen similar living conditions years before and at that time, my reaction was the same. How could I forget? Was it because it was not in our farm? To be honest, I have been to our farm only 3 times in my lifetime...and I did not even walk around. Since it has always been leased (except for those few years that my Dad worked on it), we had no relationship with the families who lived and worked there. I can only remember Tyo Kisin who was a trusted foreman of my grandfather and some of his children. Or maybe because then I thought I was judging this by my standards and I convinced myself that it is all about perception. After all, when a family friend once said that he was feeling sorry for the sacadas because they were working barefooted in the fields...my Dad told him "they are used to that kind of life, so it's not a sacrifice for them; now if it were you doing that kind of work...that is a different story". This is not to say that the farm workers and the sacadas do not deserve better..
.they do and they should. What I am trying to say here is that solving the plight of the sacada is
not the solution to the
problem...it's just that it is the one that is visible to those who are critical of the industry. However, like what the documentary says, the sugar industry has to shape up...or else. There are economic, political and bigger social issues involved. But once you solve the bigger problems, the sacada's life will also improve. It is not going to be easy as there are so many stakeholders involved and market forces to overcome. The people interviewed gave many opinions and they all agree on one thing,
it is partially our fault. Putting blame aside and the fact that we only have till 2015, I hope this documentary film once it is shown to the concerned public will be the catalyst that will mobilize all stakeholders as one force to save the sugar industry. I pray that whatever gains this film makes won't stop after watching it. This film was not meant to entertain but to inform. It is not enough to just watch and talk about it. There is still time.
To Director Jay Abello and his team, to Mr. Joey Gaston, SRA Chair Gina Martin, Agnes Villar....Madamo nga salamat, Bravo!!!
Important UPDATE: PUREZA will be shown at Rockwell on May 31, 2012. For those living in MetroManila, I hope you can get to see it or better yet, don't miss it!
Would love to watch this one :) I love that it tackles normal filipino way of life so I can really relate a lot. :)
ReplyDeleteI think there is a movie like this one played by PBB winner heheh forgot the name
ReplyDeleteI think this is a different Pureza.
Deleteyes, this is a different PUREZA. This is a documentary on the sugar industry...If you are interested, they will have 2 screenings at Rockwell. on the 31st.
Deletewow! i love watching documentaries indeed its very different just reading it but with imagination i can see everything inside my mind!! great story! xx
ReplyDeleteStill haven't seen this film (not even the Melai Cantiveros starrer, hehe), and to be honest, I just heard about it in your blog (I read your other post about this, I think).
ReplyDeleteMy mother used to have a farm in Negros too (just a small one, not an hacienda) and I remember going with her on weekends to inspect the fields. I'd be playing with the sons of these sacadas. As kids, we didn't have any sense of social strata so we just played like we would with our own peers. There was no distinction. That's my memory of our Negros farm - just fun and the blurring of social distinctions. Very innocent and child-like, I know.
Btw, I remember you mentioned if I wanted to join Negros bloggers. I'm not a member of any bloggers group so that would be nice. Do you think I'm qualified even though I live in Manila?
interesting.. too bad i won't be here on the 31st :(
ReplyDeleteDo they have any plans to show it at SM Malls or Ayala Malls?
ReplyDeleteI really love watching documentaries more than those international films (I'd rather wait for its DVD copy to save money :D).
i haven't really seen this film...but thanks for the share
ReplyDeleteInteresting. This can be useful for students too, specially those that are taking law studies.
ReplyDeleteThis sure looks interesting, will go see it when they have the screenings at Rockwell soon :D
ReplyDeleteI've always liked watching documentaries because they are very informative and gives a glimpse of the reality of what it's tackling.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your lost and glad there is a film that mirrors the problem in the sugar industry and if the information is properly cascaded to the general public, something can be done to resolve the history-aged issues. i would have watched it but i will be in singapore then to take my flight to new zealand. i hope there's another venue to watch it though.
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen this film. need to put this on my list. thanks for sharing. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. I am very interested to see this soon.
ReplyDeleteHope to see this. I wonder about the story of the sugar industry in our country.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm doing some research about the sugar industry and I think this film would help a lot. How can I get a copy? I will very much appreciate the reply. My email address is manikquin@gmail.com. Thanks!
ReplyDeletesaw this film at school (USLS-Bacolod). i think they have another screening schedule for our university week, Sept 17-21. this film really made me reflect on the proud yet tragic history of the sugar industry. i think every Negrense should see it.