Monday, July 26, 2021

Hawaiian-Philippine Company, A Hundred Years in Silay

Hawaiian-Philippine Company or HPCO as it is commonly called today was founded in 1918 by corporate members of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association who decided to erect a central in Silay, not just to minimize cost but provide locals with work too. Sugar cane planters from surrounding areas were contracted and grinding began January 15, 1921. It was established in 1918 and is currently owned by Jardine-Davis, a U.S. Company.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Silay Stories: Lost Love, Lost Years

This is another Silay story about a lost love.  This time, it is a story that is close to my heart.

Once upon a time, a handsome young boy fell in love with a beautiful young girl.  This boy began to court the girl and not long after, he asked for her hand in marriage. The boy's family was well placed in local society and so, it was not hard for him to get permission from the girl's parents.  The engagement period was going to be a short one, because the girl being modest and conservative, believed that a long one only make people gossip.  But before we go on with the story, bear in mind that this was an age where an individual's behavior is judged by strict moral codes, and blood relationships are of utmost importance.